Monday, 11 July 2011

Estrogen...what a beautiful drug....

I have to say, as a single mother to two very very male boys, I love getting a little estrogen fix every now and then...

When I married my ex husband, he had a 6 year old boy and a 4 year old girl.  They were such beautiful little kids, I fell in love with them over our first weekend visit.  The boy was adorable, with thick dark hair and the sweetest smile.  He was a little more shy than his sister, who was the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen.  She had long wavy blonde hair and the most gorgeous big blue eyes... she was a little princess for sure... she knew just how to bat her eyes to get what she wanted... and since my parents had 5 grandsons and no granddaughters she had my parents, especially my father, wrapped around her cute little finger....

She and I were often left to our own devices because my ex would be off "male bonding" with his son, so I got to have a little estrogen fix with her... generally that meant heading off to the beach, baking, doing her hair, or playing with makeup...  All the things I didn't get to do with my boys.... She has remained my only "daughter" since the demise of my marriage, and my introduction to those two kids remains one of the bright spots of that time in my life.  My beautiful step children are now in their mid 20's and my "daughter" has kids of her own now.  Sadly, she lives 1200 miles from me, so we haven't seen each other in a while....

I told you my parents had 5 grandsons... well with the addition of my step-son and then my two boys the number grew to 8....As you might imagine, I have learned not to react at the sight of spiders, snakes or lizzards and will happily hold almost any of the above... I draw the line at worms... Those little bastards are just obscene. Shudddddddder....

Even exposed to all that testosterone, I still have trouble with the sight of blood, especially when coupled with a blood curdling scream and trips to the hospital due to the latest skate boarding incident.... There are a few goodies I can share, but will save those for another day.

My mom never really was into make-up or fashion, and neither were my sisters so we didn't do a lot of girly bonding...I'm not sure you've gotten this from me so far, but I'm a real girly-girl in some ways. 

 I love to wear pretty things, and I freaking hear ANGELS singing when I go into one of those make-up specialty stores...I get sucked in to all the cutesy little boxes and packaging make-up comes in too... I have more gift with purchase eyeshadows and lipsticks than should be allowed by law, and I get all excited at the little mini samples you can try.  I swear to GOD I would live in one of those places if they'd let me.

 I've had my hair almost every color they make.  I've had it long enough to sit on and short like a boy, I've had bobs and shag cuts, and have even had hair extensions.  I was a hair model in my youth, and even did a couple of fashion shows to model clothes.  That whole girly world is heaven to me. 

Sadly, my boys don't share the passion.  They used to love having their finger nails painted when they were under 3, and I do have to keep an eye on my diamond earrings because they both have their ears pierced, but other than the occasional blue clay masque, or hair highlights, they really aren't into anything like that.... sigh.... Don't get me wrong.  I love men, and love hanging around with men.  I love to play catch or go to the car or bike shows,  I love hanging out with my boys to watch a good blood and guts horror movie. I even like to fish as long as I'M not expected to take the hook out of the fish or bash the poor thing to kill it...Ok or even to touch the slimy little buggers.  Seriously?  That's just revolting, all that cold slimy-ness, and the smell it leaves on your hands is...well... EEEEEW!...

There are just times I just want to do things that involve less scratching and farting.

CG has a 17 year old daughter who also grew up in a testosterone filled domicile, so I'm hoping she and I might get to do a few little girly things in future while he's hangin' with the boys...

I know she has a mom, and so I am not at all interested in stepping on those toes.  I just hope she's open to a little estrogen intervention every now and again.  I won't tell her I can beat at least one of my kids in a belching contest any day of the week... then again, growing up in a primarily male household she may give me a run for my money...


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