Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Ridin' Solo

So I heard from a girlfriend who is currently navigating the whole dating online thing the other day... she'd written me a quick email last week when she was getting ready to go on  a first date with a guy she met on the same site as Cute Guy and I were on.... She was excited, because on paper the guy she was meeting sounded pretty good....

I wished her luck, and had my fingers crossed for her.  This is a woman I've known since I was 15 years, like, not THAT long.... 

She's beautiful, capable and independent.  She's also smart and funny with a great sense of adventure.  She's raised a son on her own, can take care of herself, and has done a lot with her life.  She is definitely interesting company, so I had high hopes for her.

She sent a synopsis of the date afterward.  It didn't go quite as she'd hoped it would.  They agreed to meet at a restaurant for dinner... what did I tell you guys about investing in a meal for the first meeting?  You're sort of stuck for a really long time if the service is bad, and that can really suck... 

Anyhow, she said as she was sitting there, he recited his many accomplishments, and left almost zero time for her to interject anything...  I think we've all met people like that.  It always leaves me wondering why the hell they bother going out with anyone else... I mean, seriously, if you have no room in your life for someone else, why bother to inflict yourself on a date?

She said he droned on about himself and how well he was doing, how much money he was making, and how great he was for nearly the whole date, finally asking her if she'd like to "take some time to brag." as they were winding down. Wow!  Now there's a class act for ya.  My feeling is, if you're that wonderful, you'd have a little humility, and you'd want to hear about the person you're with....

I'm pretty sure Cute Guy met the perfect girl for this clown...

Remember when I told you he has a terrific sense of humor?  Apparently it's a family trait.  I guess last Christmas he was given two beautifully wrapped boxes from his neices.  I'm going to guess they're somewhere around the same ages as my boys.... One of the packages said "Open Me First".  When he opened it, he was surprised to find a gorgeous lace teddy with a note that said "If you can't find the perfect woman to wear this, open the other box.".  When he opened the second box, it contained a life sized blow up doll....

I'm thinking it would be great if they'd come up with one that could fit in a condom sized package in your purse or wallet... They could make it out of the same "rubber".  Not sure if you've ever blown a condom up, but it ends up being about the size of the Hindenberg before it pops....

Anyhow, if you had a Condom Doll in your purse or pocked, and found yourself in a situation similar to my girlfriend, you could inflate it while they're yapping because they probably wouldn't even notice.  You get out of the crappy situation, and "Full of Himself Guy" gets the date he always wanted.  Win/Win.....


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