Friday, 10 June 2011

Friday musings....

Since starting this whole blog thing, I've noticed getting my frustrations or ideas down "on paper" has been a real release for me.  It's a stress reliever, and I really should have been doing it for a very long time....

I told you at the very start of this adventure, A couple of years ago I jumped on the whole "Secret" bandwagon and had made a list of attributes I wanted in a future partner, and had gotten what I wanted.... except that apparently you get ONLY what you asked for...I guess writing stuff down is a good way to solidify your actual goals.  It forces you to focus on those things you want to have, but you better be careful what you wish for....

That woman who wrote The Secret says you have to send positive stuff out to the Universe in order for the Universe to hear and get your order right... She also says NOT to say what you don't want, because the Universe apparently isn't quite smart enough to understand what the word DON'T means...  Seems kinda strange to me, but maybe good help is hard to find....

Apparently the Universe has the same problems hiring as most fast food restaurants, because at McRonalds they can NEVER get that shit right... I mean, seriously... how hard can it be to put a different salad dressing in with one of their super-dee-duper good for you, not junk food at all know the ones... with bacon and the little envelope of dried yams and skittles to add to the tasteless bagged lettuce?

I can just picture some poor pimply faced kid who became an angel long before his time listening on a headset as you send your wishes out to the universe....

What you say:  "Universe I really, really want a bowl of popcorn"....

What comes through the crappy headset:  "Universe I really really want Ebola Unicorn".....Buddy looks at the other guy working with him and shrugs.... "Whatever blows your hair back, but we're fresh outta Unicorns... Ebola it is!" ...and next thing you know is you're bleeding from the eyeballs....

What I'm saying here is ENUNCIATE when you're sending in your order... and it might be a good idea to repeat it a couple of times to make sure they get that you want the ITALIAN not the RANCH with your order of tall, dark and handsome.... 


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