Friday, 13 May 2011

...and if you believe this, I have some land for sale...

So it's been a week today since I had to put my beautiful cat down... but being the suck I am, as I was walking out of the vet's I saw they had a cat from the Humane society looking for a home. When I walked over to look at him he flirted with me,  so I had to bring him to our house... this leads to a revelation about me... I am a collector of strays....

You know, I'm THAT girl...yes, I realize "girl" is a misnomer, but this is MY blog... 

Whenever there were baby birds who needed nursing back to health, or a stray cat, or stray kids who needed a place to stay for months on end, it was my house they came to, and there were a few who took advantage of that....and a few who took advantage of me.

That would explain a lot about why I am single at almost 49, right?  I find someone who is damaged, but can see some sort of redeeming feature in them, and will give it that old college try, and will overlook pretty obvious red flags in the interest of giving someone a second chance.  That's why I thought perhaps internet dating would be better for me, because I could discard "wrong" people before becoming invested...but I got sucked in...

Remember super-duper attractive guy I suspected might be too good to be true?  Well, he was.  I did a little digging around because a few things weren't adding up.  Like why someone SUPER-DEE-DUPER attractive would be interested in me in the first place?  His profile reads like a single mother's wet dream... he didn't care about distance or weight, and was very broad with the age range he would look for... he is a widower just looking to have a woman accept his kids as he would accept hers... blah, blah, blah... oh.  And did I mention he was a professional man, well travelled and romantic?  

He initiates a chat with me on the website, but quickly moves to another chat page. which is good because once you have a chat going on the dating site, there are more and more people IM-ing you, and it's hard to keep the conversations straight, so I sign up for Yahoo messenger so we can talk without interruption.  We find out we have a lot in common.  He is half Hungarian, and while I'm not, my last boyfriend and his whole family are 100% Hungarian.  He works in my industry, and supposedly has the same degree as my late father.... He, too, grew up overseas, and he has two kids he's brought up by himself....

He tells me he is the president of an offshore drilling company, but doesn't tell me the name... so when he disappears off the face of the earth after I inform him an email very similar to his comes up attached to a Nigerian Dating Scam web site my ex-reporter spidey senses kick in, and I feel compelled to do some Googling... He shows up as the CEO of a drilling company alright... with a page identical to the one for that company that had the big disaster in the Gulf... you know the one, except the pages further in are disabled, and he is the contact for hiring, firing, media, problems with the website, you name it, even though they're supposed to have upwards of 10 thousand employees... he also told me he lives in Buffalo New York, which doesn't seem to be a hotbed of offshore drilling to me.  I'm sad, because he seemed like a very nice guy when we were chatting, but I guess if you're gonna be a con man, you'd better be charming.  He didn't want to chat via webcam, and that is another red flag....

Just so you know I'm not paranoid, I want to tell you about this little thing called the Nigerian 914 Dating Scam.  An attractive person who presents to be exactly what you're looking for pretends to be someone they're not... they do a "trip to Nigeria on business" then they tell you they've had their credit cards stolen and need you to wire them some money to get out of the country, and they provide you with their bank statements to prove they can pay you back, or they send you a money order.... so... if you're an idiot or just a soft hearted person, you send them money, and they dissappear... My therapist tells me she had a very successful bank president fall for the scam despite being given several warnings.  No WONDER we have trouble with the economy.

When I told a friend about the whole "This guy doesn't add up" caper, HE assumed the worst the guy was up to was wanting to have a fling on his wife when he was in town here... haha....

"Super" has gone all out to look legit... he even has a Facebook page with the same schpeil as his dating profile, and different photos... this is sad to me, because the guy who really is the fellow in the photos, probably has no idea he's been hacked... I would like to meet THAT GUY because he looks like a happy man.

I decide to do what the dating scam sites tell you to do, and copy and paste a little of his profile into a search engine... yep, there it is... same exact wording is on another dating site, Called Asian Kisses with another guy's photo attached, but the same name...

Anyhow, I think I have been approached by several of these guys... I find it AMAZING that at least 40% of the men who approach me on this site are supposed "widowers".  God... I still like the site better than Emelody, because I can at least PRETEND there are attractive, successful men out there who just might be interested in someone over the age of 25....


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